Send Message - Gay Rooms on GayRooms.Org at Longboys Lodge

Sending a Quick Message to the Lodge

Please include your Name and Username.  If you don't have a Username make one up.  (Should be at least 6 characters, example David4724).  Please enter your message next.  Then click 'Send Message'.
Before tapping or clicking 'Send Message' you may want to include some files.  These may be pics or vids of you or, if arrangements are being made for you to move in, they may be photos of your signed agreement.  Our replies will be put in your Inbox, you will need the Username you created to access it.  Find the button for your Inbox at the bottom of the menu on the main page.

(write this down to remember it to retrieve your replies)



Enter message

Note: After clicking 'Send Message' you should see a confirmation page.  If you do not then we have not received your message.
Please use your Username above to access received messages with the 'Inbox' button on the main menu of this website.

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